Here Comes Summer!

Prepare now to better manage your energy bills. 

When it gets hotter outside, apartments and condominiums typically use the most electricity to cool their units. In fact, nearly half of all energy consumption each year goes towards powering a unit’s air conditioner or furnace. As summer approaches and the thermometer rises, now is the time to consider how to best manage your electricity usage to save money on your monthly bill. 

The good news is that electricity rates this summer are expected to remain at or slightly below last summer's levels. These rates vary by utility, and NEP always bills at or below the rate of the host utility in your area. Several steps can help you reduce your energy use this summer and keep your electric bill lower. 

  • Raise your thermostat (the US Department of Energy suggests an indoor temperature of 78 degrees when you’re at home). 

  • Block the sun from heating your home using blinds or other window coverings. 

  • Use ceiling or tower fans to stay cool (turn them off when you leave the room). 

Visit the Conservation Tips page to help you save money and stay cool this summer.