Rate Changes in PECO Territory

We wanted to inform you about upcoming changes in the electricity rate charged for properties and residents in the PECO territory.

PECO has filed with the Pennsylvania PUC new electric Generation Supply Adjustment (GSA) charges from June 1, 2024, and running through August 31, 2024. The GSA is the largest component of the price to compare. For residential customers, PECO’s GSA is expected to decrease by about 2%.

Please note that this marginal decrease impacts only the generation portion of the rate and does not impact transmission, distribution, or fixed charges. It is incorrect to state that electric bills will decline by the same percentage.

Additionally, the percentage listed refers specifically to the residential rate, but general service (GS) customers at or under 100 kW will also see the generation component of their rate lowered marginally.

We understand that accurate, timely information is crucial to managing your business effectively. As a valued partner, we wanted to ensure you are fully aware of these pending changes and can plan accordingly.

If you have questions, you are always welcome to Contact Resident Support.