Onboarding Experience

At NEP we believe smarter energy starts with smarter relationships, which is why we give you a personal account manager to address any questions and needs you may have regarding our service at your property. Things just work smoother that way. It starts the moment you choose NEP for your property. We spend several training sessions with you to bring you up to speed on our services and systems, reports we provide, information on billing, and processes for handling resident questions. If our service is being installed in place of a previous provider at your property, we start by hosting a Q & A session for your residents prior to any construction. In addition, your personal account manager will share regular notices for every stage of installation in addition to copies of all communications sent to residents during this process.


Personalized Support

Once you’re up and running with NEP, we’ll provide you with custom reports to keep your property running smarter including utility summaries, rent rolls, past due accounts receivable, etc. Your personal account manager is your direct line of contact to resolve any energy concerns that residents bring to you including billing questions. You’ll also receive notices of entry whenever a resident’s meter requires maintenance. To give you additional support, we’ll attend community events as invited to answer resident questions and provide energy savings information. We also offer continuing education for new members of your property management team as well as when we roll out new initiatives and system upgrades. Plus, we’re always available to give you and your team refresher training should you ever need it. Get more personalized service from NEP and get smarter today.