It's (really) hot outside.

Stay cool and save money.

The summer season has barely begun‭, ‬and most of the country’s temperatures already appear firmly plastered somewhere between‭ ‬‘pizza oven’‭ ‬and‭ ‬‘surface of the sun’‭ ‬hot‭. ‬It’s a summer experience that isn’t likely to let up‭, ‬as the‭ ‬National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration‭ (‬NOAA‭) ‬predicts this summer could be a repeat of last year‭, ‬which was the hottest in more than 2,000‭ ‬years for the Northern Hemisphere‭.‬

Most look for a reprieve from the heat in their residences‭, ‬but there is a price to pay for wanting to stay cool during the summer‭. ‬High electricity pricing means running your air conditioning will cost you‭, ‬as your home HVAC unit works hard to fight off the record-setting outdoor temperatures‭. ‬

So‭, ‬how can you stay cool and not completely abandon your budget‭? ‬The U.S‭. ‬Department of Energy suggests setting your thermostat‭ ‬to 78‭ ‬degrees to stay comfortable while saving money‭. ‬But‭, ‬if you’re one who thinks that sounds a bit on the toasty side‭, ‬what other options are there‭? ‬Here are some tips to help from our friends at‭ ‬Apartmentguide‭:‬

Open windows during the morning hours‭.‬‭ ‬Take advantage of cooler morning temperatures by opening your windows and allowing fresh air to circulate throughout your apartment‭. ‬

Close curtains and blinds‭ ‬to prevent your apartment or condo from heating up and reduce the need for your air conditioner to work harder than necessary to‭ ‬maintain a comfortable temperature‭.‬

Use fans‭.‬‭ ‬Ceiling or portable fans help distribute cool air and make us feel cooler without lowering the thermostat temperature‭. ‬

Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms‭.‬‭ ‬If you’re using incandescent bulbs‭, ‬consider replacing them with energy-efficient LED lights‭, ‬which use less energy and last longer‭.‬

Run full loads of dishes on an energy-efficient setting‭.‬‭ ‬Waiting until the dishwasher is full maximizes its efficiency‭. ‬If your dishwasher has an energy-saving or eco-friendly option‭, ‬you should utilize it‭. ‬Heating water uses a lot of electricity‭, ‬and your dishwasher produces some heat which will warm your unit‭.‬

Optimize when and how you wash laundry‭.‬‭ ‬If you have an in-unit washing machine and dryer‭, ‬wash full loads and use cold water when possible to save energy‭. ‬Most modern‭ ‬washing machines offer energy-efficient settings‭.‬

Try to avoid using your oven‭. ‬Ovens generate significant heat‭, ‬which makes your apartment or condo warmer‭. ‬Consider less heat-intensive cooking methods‭, ‬such‭ ‬as a microwave‭, ‬slow cooker‭, ‬or toaster oven‭.‬

Check windows and doors‭. ‬Inspect your windows and doors for any gaps or cracks that could allow warm air to enter your apartment and cool air to escape‭.‬