Get Help Paying Your Bills
Managing your energy bill can be challenging. There are programs available to assist those in need.
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can help residents manage their utility bills and improve their home’s energy efficiency. You can learn more about this program on the Ohio Department of Development website or by calling 800-282-0880. Please note this program is not the same as Impact. These are one-time credits you may qualify for based on income and household size, not utility account balance.
Here is a more complete utility bill assistance resource listing:
Ohio Department of Development Energy Assistance (includes HEAP link) Phone: (800) 282-0880
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) (direct HEAP link)
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)
HEAP Winter Crisis Program
The Breathing Association Phone: (614) 457-2997
The Breathing Association HEAP Program
The Breathing Association Winter Crisis Program
The Breathing Association Summer Crisis Program
IMPACT Phone: (866) 747-1038 or (614) 252-2799
IMPACT Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)
Department of Jobs and Family Services (DJFS) Phone: (614) 233-2000
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Phone: (800) 827-1000
Licking County Veterans Service Commission Temporary Financial Assistance Phone: (740) 670-5430
Fairfield County Veterans Administrative Office Phone: (740) 652-7920
Fairfield County Job & Family Services Phone: (740) 652-7889
Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Agency Phone: (740) 653-4146
Duke Energy Share the Light Fund (formerly Heatshare) Phone: (800) 544-6900
Joint Organization for Inner-City Needs (JOIN) Phone: (614) 241-2530
Congregational Outreach Ministries Program of Assistance & Social Service (COMPASS) Rental Assistance Program Phone: (614) 463-9612
Catholic Social Services of Columbus Phone: (614) 221-5891
Salvation Army Rent and Utility Assistance Phone: (614) 274-7600
Columbus Urban League Phone (614) 257-6300
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (PA) Phone (866) 857-7095